Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Poor Joel.

He had that oral surgery today to get 4 wisdom teeth out, and all he can eat for the next few days is Jello and other liquid/mushy stuff. I hope he doesn't hurt or swell too much as he is healing. I sure love that guy.

Not much else to report, work is picking up, and my manager just asked me today to mentor the new gal who is starting next week, so that'll be cool to have someone riding with me for a while.

Also, we tried to apply for a mortgage with a co-signer(my mom), but there's just too much debt between the bunch of us right now with our student loans and her mortgage. So we'll try again sometime next year, and hopefully our finances will have improved by then. This means, however that we will have to move into another apartment after we house-sit for Joel's dad. Anyone have any suggestions for good apartments?

Take Care, All. You are loved.


Jay said...

Sorry to hear about the finances. Money can be a pain no doubt and banks don't help much. I hope Joel is doing well and is feeling okay without too much pain. :)

Amanda said...

Tough about the mortgage. But maybe you guys can find a nice temporary place, and with the two of you out of school next year, the way should be clear. Just don't get pregnant in the meantime! It kinda puts a crimp on the finances.