Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Poor Joel.

He had that oral surgery today to get 4 wisdom teeth out, and all he can eat for the next few days is Jello and other liquid/mushy stuff. I hope he doesn't hurt or swell too much as he is healing. I sure love that guy.

Not much else to report, work is picking up, and my manager just asked me today to mentor the new gal who is starting next week, so that'll be cool to have someone riding with me for a while.

Also, we tried to apply for a mortgage with a co-signer(my mom), but there's just too much debt between the bunch of us right now with our student loans and her mortgage. So we'll try again sometime next year, and hopefully our finances will have improved by then. This means, however that we will have to move into another apartment after we house-sit for Joel's dad. Anyone have any suggestions for good apartments?

Take Care, All. You are loved.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Another work week wrapped up.

Just finished another work week, and I get my 4 day week-end this week. That's good because I feel really in need of a rest. Work has been kind of slow this week, which is kind of frustrating, because you have to sign off for 500 min worth of work every day. This is a creative challenge when you are only given 3 hours worth of work, and so is everyone else. There's only so much cleaning and stocking you can do to your van. I guess everybody's in the same boat, though, and our manager realizes I'm not so incompetent that it really takes me 4 hours to do a highspeed install. I hope business picks up when I'm back next week, because I always feel uncomfortable having to charge more time to a ticket than it actually took me, even though it is common practice when there is no work to do. I guess as long as I make it clear in my comments that I tried to get more work from dispatch, but they didn't have any, I shouldn't feel guilty. Just wait a couple months and I'll probably be complaining there's too much to do!

I was looking at some adorable pictures and video clips of my nieces and nephew today. They really are cute kids, I'm not just biased. They brought a smile to my tired face. Have a look if you want to...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Making it through.

Yesterday I saw a friend at church. I asked how she was doing and she was honest with me instead of superficial. She's not doing too well, she is exhausted from work, and then I asked how her husband is doing and she sounded tentative, and said that she doesn't think he's doing great either. We arranged a coffee date for today to talk about life or whatever she needs to talk about.

After I got home from church I had a bit of a breakdown because I was already worried about how my other friends are doing, and I'm powerless to do anything to fix the things that are wrong in their lives. I went to bed and cried and prayed for my friends troubles. Even if I'm hurt or angry about how things are, God really is the only one who has the power to change these things, or heal what is broken, or give strength to overcome weakness, or reassure that goodness and righteousness is being restored to the world. And the silent treatment I was giving God, wasn't good for me, and certainly was not helping to change things for the better. Yes, I'm weak and powerless, but even more so when I refuse to pray. That's how my weekend went, it was hard, and I was confronted with my weakness and powerlessness. When I turned to God he gave me the strength and reassurance I needed to continue fighting the battle raging in this world.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

What to say? What to do?

It's Saturday morning, and haven't really been in contact with any friends since I had Bible study on Monday night. I just read a few of their blogs this morning and everyone seems to be having a rough week. My friends have been confronted with the ugly brokenness of humans this week, and I don't know what to say without sounding like I'm being shallow or ignoring their pain. I just want anyone who reads this to know that I'm sitting here crying for your pain. If you are dealing with a death, news of a moral failing, sickness, weakness, I'm so sorry. I wish I could fix what's wrong with the world, but I'm weak too. So all I can do is cry and tell you I'm sorry and pray. I love you and I'm sorry...