Monday, May 14, 2007

Can anyone interpret this?

It's 7:17 in the morning. I just woke up from a weird dream: I was trying to get somewhere on time. It was dark and I was riding my bike on 8th street near the Circle Drive over pass. Suddenly my bike stops and I drag it onto the boulevard in the middle to avoid getting hit by traffic whizzing past me. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my bike and all of a sudden Phillip Yancey (a Christian author) is there. He shows me that my tire is busted. This perturbs me because I just got the bike. I look around to see if there is anywhere I can get my tire fixed, and I go to the nearby building. It's a convenience store/gas station that also happens to be a veterinarian's. I spend a long time waiting in line behind a guy who wants to pay for his gas and get his pitbull fixed at the same time, since he's here. It look just like a 7/11 inside except instead of the 7/11 logo it has a green outline of a yorkshire terrier. As I'm waiting in line all I can think about is how I'm going to get my bike warranty out when I get home and make someone pay for me getting my tire fixed... That's about all I can remember. It was probably just a junk dream, because I'm reading a book by Phillip Yancy right now, and I watched a documentary on dog gestation before I fell asleep. But the dream sure gave me an uneasy feeling.

1 comment:

LJE said...

i dislike waking from dreams and having that feeling. i hate when it sticks with you all day too. I like the pay-for-gas & get your pit bull fixed guy...can you imagine if we had that kind of store combo in real life?