Sunday, April 29, 2007


Found two yummy and relatively healthy snacks today. One is for you cracker lovers out there. It's called Kashi TLC (tasty little crackers) in Honey Sesame flavour. They've got 7 whole grains and 0 trans fat. For those who prefer cookies, I found Simple Pleasures Baked Cookie Bars. The flavour I got is called California Crunch. They've got raisins, the odd cranberry, oats and sunflower seeds. Each has 4g of protein, 3g of fiber, 1.5 g of omega 6 and 0.4 g of omega 3 polyunsaturated fats. I found said snacks at Walmart. I always find more than I bargained for there.

I also bought a new pair of runners and a new outfit for my morning walks I'm planning on doing. I went this morning and my left heel now has a blister on it from the nasty runners I had. Know what's kind of funny? I took Joel's i-pod with me and I had unloaded Joel's songs and loaded it with just the right amount of my music for my walk. But I forgot to put Joel's music back onto it and he took it to work today. So instead of his brooding man-rock like Billy Talent or Incubus he'll be listening to some Sheryl Crow, Bif Naked, Hanson, and Gwen Steffani on his break. But I also put a couple Johnny Cash songs and 1 U2 song, so maybe he won't be too ticked.


Pastor Pepsi said...

good on you for the going for walks thing. That is awesome. I wish I could really get into a habit like that, i try, it is tough.

Secondly, i beleive that there are so many good snack options, that probably taste better than many we choose, but we don't choose them. Glad you found some.


LJE said...

sweet stuff. I like morning walks, too bad i've been too tired to take them lately. Maybe once i'm done work.

And kudos to you for influencing Joel's music options for the day, even if it was unintended! i can imagine him just bopping out to it (more like rolling his eyes and scrolling through the list to try to find a song he can tolerate, lol) - it would be the same with Tony listening to my music!

How are the new runners? Any blisters from those?