Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Battle Continues

For the last week I've been trying not to watch TV, and utterly failing. I had asked Joel if we could get rid of the rabbit ears for awhile because I knew I wanted to stop wasting so much time and try to fill it with more important things. I could tell from his response that he wasn't thrilled with the idea. This is something I feel God leading me to do, but Joel wanted me to just not watch, and leave the rabbit ears alone. So I tried it Joel's way, and failed because I'm weak. So Thursday night I took them off and hid them, and now I have gone over 36 hours without watching any TV, and done devotions twice, as well as a load of dishes, while still working (today is my first day off). And Joel hasn't died or even asked me where they were. Hopefully I won't be so tempted to watch TV that I'll dig them out of their hiding place and put them back.

I have more to blog about, but it needs its own post.

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