Saturday, October 14, 2006

Blink and it's next month

I can't believe it's been a month since I posted. Time is going by so fast. Physically, I'm doing much better compared to last month. Work is still steady but not as insane. They're sending home the people they sent in from around the province to help out this week. It's getting cold. Joel's birthday is in two weeks. He'll be 25. We're getting old. Sorry for all the short random thoughts, been going so fast these days I haven't had a chance to build the short random things into something meaningful.

I found this picture of Joel, and I think it's so cute, I wanted to post it. I'm going to have little kids that look like this someday.


Angie said...

That is so adorable :) Hopefully Joel isn't too embarassed by it...tho he shouldn't have any reason to be! I think little red haired children are super cute :)

Jay said...

Ahh children and their Pampers boxes...

Joel said...

didn't notice before that you can't really see any whites in my eyes, they look almost totally black.... freaky

LJE said...

cute kid, i'm sure yours will be even cuter 'cuz they'll have a good dose of your genes in there mixed with his :)