Saturday, July 08, 2006

I've survived the summer of two moves.

I apologize to the hard-core bloggers about my drought of posts for the last 3 weeks. It's been a busy time. Worked, got ready to move, worked, cleaned, worked, moved (which included lifting heavy things for me this time), worked, and now I have some cleaning to do at Joel's Dad's house today, then maybe I can get a little rest. But I wouldn't have been able to rest knowing I haven't blogged since June, just one of those things that eats away at you.

I stayed up too late last night. I'm not one of those people who can just compensate by sleeping in. The sun gets up early, and once it's up, I can't get back to sleep if I wake up. So I'm yawning even as I type this. It was a fun night though, hanging out with friends. I get lonely at work a lot because it is so task oriented, so it was great to start off my 4 days of by spending the evening with a bunch of nice people.

We're enjoying the new place. Nice to sit on your own furniture again after housesitting for 2 months.

What else should I talk about? I feel like this post is missing something, but not sure what else I should say. Let me know.

Bye for now.

It's ironic for me that every time this thing spell checks the word "Joel's " for me it suggests I replace it with "joyless". Just thought I'd tag that on.


Angie said...

Glad that you are getting settled into a new place! Where did you move to??

LJE said...

i can't believe that you two moved all by yourselves! you should have called!!!

excited to see your new place sometime.....and that is super funny that to your computer Joels = joyless!

Lindsay said...

Yeah, you guys can come for supper sometime if you want, when I get my next days off. (These ones are almost finished.)