Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stuff and other stuff.

I have two more days of work to put in before I get my 4 day weekend. I'm always pretty tired at this point in my rotation. Also, we're still trying to figure out where we're going to live after this month. So kinda under some stress, but handling it ok.

I've been trying to experiment in the last couple of weeks with changing the types of media I watch/listen to. It was a suggestion in a book I've been reading that if your mind is exposed to purer things, you will be more likely to think purer thoughts. It makes sense to me, and I think it's starting to help me. No more C95 in the radio in my van, as well I've decided to give up a couple of my favorite TV shows that are full of immorality, like Desperate Housewives (although they are now in re-runs for the summer, but I don't plan on jumping back in this fall). Not judging anyone who watches this stuff, I'm just trying to figure out what is helpful for me personally in my specific state of weakness.

For the gals reading this, have any of you read Every Woman's Battle? I've been reading it and would like to discuss with someone, though I don't know who else has read it, or would be interested. Tried to talk to one girlfriend about it but she seemed either not to understand what I was talking about or not interested.

1 comment:

LJE said...

i've read most of it, but more in the context of teachign it to our youth girls instead of reading it to apply to my own life (if that makes sense). I know i should read it again for myself......