Monday, June 12, 2006

God teaching me.

Just thought I'd share a little about what God is teaching me the last couple weeks. I got so sick and tired of myself, sinning, then coming clean over and over. I asked God to help me figure out what I can do to stop falling into the same stupid thing repeatedly. He answered my prayer by sort of "turning up the volume" on the Holy Spirit's voice within me. Now, more often, I'm able to notice my heart turning away from God the moment it happens. This gives me the chance to turn my heart back to God before I slip into the same old behaviour(s). The downside is that if I feel my heart turn away, and I don't do anything about it, my sin is more prideful and willful, more than just a slip. But Christ's blood is enough to cleanse even willful disobedience, and what God is doing in me makes me want to love Him and obey Him more and more.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Rainy and cloudy.

Maybe it shouldn't be this way, but when it's rainy and cloudy outside it makes me feel rainy and cloudy. I was wallowing a little in self-pity yesterday because it was my first day off, and of course that means it has to rain. For a rainy day, it actually turned out not too bad, though, we went to Pam and Ryan's wedding (just the ceremony though, because Joel wasn't feeling very good), then later on we rented some movies, which we haven't done in a long time. So it turned out to be a pretty fun day after all.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stuff and other stuff.

I have two more days of work to put in before I get my 4 day weekend. I'm always pretty tired at this point in my rotation. Also, we're still trying to figure out where we're going to live after this month. So kinda under some stress, but handling it ok.

I've been trying to experiment in the last couple of weeks with changing the types of media I watch/listen to. It was a suggestion in a book I've been reading that if your mind is exposed to purer things, you will be more likely to think purer thoughts. It makes sense to me, and I think it's starting to help me. No more C95 in the radio in my van, as well I've decided to give up a couple of my favorite TV shows that are full of immorality, like Desperate Housewives (although they are now in re-runs for the summer, but I don't plan on jumping back in this fall). Not judging anyone who watches this stuff, I'm just trying to figure out what is helpful for me personally in my specific state of weakness.

For the gals reading this, have any of you read Every Woman's Battle? I've been reading it and would like to discuss with someone, though I don't know who else has read it, or would be interested. Tried to talk to one girlfriend about it but she seemed either not to understand what I was talking about or not interested.