Monday, February 20, 2006


I'm having a weird day. I thought I was working today, but when I downloaded to get my orders this morning, they didn't give me anything. That was strange, I knew business couldn't be that slow, so I checked my schedule. I'm sure they must have changed it because it now says I have today and tomorrow off. It still has the same number of days on and off, they are just in different places than I thought they were. Oh well, it was a nice surprise.

With my new found freedom today, I decided I would spend some extra time alone with God. But I didn't get on it right away, and I got the sudden urge to iron my jeans. I never iron anything, let alone jeans. This left me with three possible conclusions (perhaps whoever reads this could vote and let me know what they think). 1. I'm getting old and ironing my jeans is something that is coming with my old age. 2. Ironing is from the devil and he just wanted to distract me from God for a while to see if I would forget about the extra time. 3. Joel had me stepfordized, and that command start remote isn't really for the car.

I did finally drag myself to my bible, and had a great time once I got it open, by the way. I'm a bit compulsive in my worrying, and when I go to Jesus, He really does enable me to slow down my mind and focus on Him. My concerns are still there, but the knot in my stomach gets replaced with peace in my heart.

Praise God for unexpected days off. I'm glad that I can skip the work socks today and wear some girly socks that match both my shirt and my new car.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Getting my butt kicked, gratefully, though.

I made it through my first week back at work alive. Every muscle in my body is sore, though. I was kinda hoping since I was off for a couple months, they would give me a couple days to ride along with someone else to see if I could remember how to do this job, but no such luck. I guess it's like riding a bike. While my brain remembers most of the job, my body doesn't, though. I've lost some of the dexterity my hands and fingers had, so I'm finding handling my tools a bit awkward. I also have to get some of those nice callouses going on my hands again so I don't bleed as often, and my band-aid consumption will go down. The muscles that are complaining the most are my calves. They feel like rubber bands that could snap at any minute just from normal walking. They enjoyed their two month vacation, and now are trying to remember how they ever managed to walk the equivalent of 50 stair cases a day while carrying boxes full of tools, wire and supplies. While, I could go on, but I've reached my textual complaining limit for the day. On the bright side, I'm looking forward to getting my work metabolism and shape back, even though the process of doing that is painful.

Thank God spring is on the way. I think I suffer from a bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder, because I feel lazy and tired all winter no matter how much sleep I get, and I crave large amounts of sugar and chocolate. I'm already feeling better to some extent now that more sunlight is coming through, and the fact that days are getting longer still also is giving me something positive to focus on to get me through the remaining snow-filled days. I just heard a chickadee sing "Spring's Here", I love hearing that in early February, such a simple and wonderful encouragement from God to me, and now anyone who reads this.