Saturday, January 28, 2006

My last day of getting paid to annoy Americans.

I've been praying since I got this collections job that I could find something better, or get my old job back. I knew God would answer but I wasn't expecting it to be so soon or suddenly. I got a phone call two days ago from SaskTel to offer me a new work term to start this Monday Jan. 30th as a technician again. This time I'm being given an 8 month term, so this will allow me to build up enough hours to apply for EI if I get laid off for the winter when this term expires. That way, I won't have to get a silly job annoying Americans by calling them until they pay their bill, so that I can pay my bills. I will sure appreciate this job more now that I've worked in a job where I had to work extra hours to make up for not working on Christmas Day. I also won't have nagging worries this time about whether my performance is good enough, since I'm being hired back for a second term, obviously the company feels I proven myself competent.

Well, I need to prepare for my last day on the phone as an evil debt-collector. This will be the last day when I have to go to work feeling hypocritical because I prayed the Lord's prayer that morning (forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors). Praise God.

Now thankfully, I will have many EDOs to come. Maybe I'll give one of you folks a call in my newly regained leisure time. Talk to you soon.

Lindsay, The Girl phoneman.


Angie said...

Congrats on getting back your old job :) That must be a relief for you!

Pastor Pepsi said...

Lindsay, i rejoice with you in getting your new job back...and tha tis true, though it sounded fluffy. Your ability to 'stick it out' even when it is not great, amazes me, that trait demonstrates a God quality, and I have learned alot from that, watching you, but am also happy to learn taht God surpises us with quickly answered prayers too.
