Sunday, September 17, 2006

Falling apart at the seams!

Well, my ankle is almost all better now. It just feels a little stiff. Joel and I have had kind of a rough month physically, though. Shortly after I sprained my ankle, Joel sprained something in his neck while he was sleeping. We think it was due to some repetitive strain his neck took at work from folding clothes. That took a few days to heal totally. Then about a week later, Joel got the flu, which took a few days for him to feel better. Now I did something to my back when I was sleeping and it hurts to move. It happened not last night but the night before, and towards the end of yesterday I thought I was feeling better, but after sleeping last night it feels worse again. It hurts every time I move it, which is why I'm not in church right now like I would like to be. Well, hopefully my back will be alright after another day of sitting around the apartment. If not, I have a physical booked for Tuesday anyway, so I'll ask the doctor about it then.

I'm on my four day weekend from work right now, and I had dreams of going on a fall hike somewhere. With the rain and my back, that doesn't look likely, sadly. But at least last night when my back wasn't feeling too bad, I got to see some friends and get out of the apartment with Joel. We had some delicious chili for supper, then blueberry pie for dessert. We also had a rousing game of phase 10, followed by a fast-paced game of settlers of catan. Interspersed talk of various appendages added spice to the evening. Don't Ask.

Anyway, if you read this please pray for me. Besides my physical woes, there are other issues in my life that are causing me stress. I'd prolly go crazy if I weren't so darn sane.